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LHR obtains temporary injunction due to Chantage (unlawful threat of press publication)

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mafiaAt the request of Lampmann, Haberkamm & Rosenbaum Rechtsanwälte (LHR), the Regional Court of Tübingen (LG Tübingen, Beschluss v. 17.10.2014, Az. 4 O 293/14) issued a temporary injunction prohibiting a law firm from attempting to persuade our clients to waive payment claims by threatening to disclose certain information from a court case to consumer protection/commercial media.

In the event of non-compliance, a fine of up to € 250,000 or up to six months’ imprisonment may be imposed.

The decision is not legally binding.

After several disputes before various courts between our clients and an “investor protection law firm” in relation to inadmissible client advertising were settled by the Hamburg Regional Court, the investor protection lawyers subsequently attempted to persuade our clients to waive the claims for reimbursement of costs agreed there by threatening to pass on certain contents of preliminary injunction proceedings to various qualified press organs.

The Regional Court of Tübingen agreed with our client that this constituted an unlawful threat that interfered with our client’s right to privacy or its established and exercised business operations and must therefore be refrained from.

Lawyer Arno Lampmann from the law firm LHR:

“The decision of the Regional Court of Tübingen is to be welcomed without reservation. While the renegotiation of a comprehensive and final overall settlement, irrespective of the legal situation, already reveals bad style, such “re-carding” then becomes unlawful coercion or even blackmail if it is to be backed up with the threat of turning to the press in the event of refusal.”


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